Thursday, 7 June 2012

A positively uncrafty post Part 2

I'm back for part 2 of my E3 posts, this time I'm looking at Sony, Nintendo and the other notable games shown this year.

First up Sony, who opened up with a rather lengthy montage of game footage before they took a look at their first game Beyond: Two Souls. Not sure what to make of this one, the cinematic shown was interesting but didn't really explain much of the game play front.

Next up was Super Smash Bros oops I mean PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale. I am not a fan of these type games so it doesn't really interest me. They announced that it could be played simultaneously with PS3 and Vita so that was kinda neat. They followed this with news about PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Vita. Neither me or Adam are really looking at purchasing a Vita (or a 3DS for that matter) so the next game was a title we weren't taken too much notice of. Assassin's Creed 3 - Liberation. Following this they showed of a bit of the PS3 Assassins's Creed 3 game, this game play demo was different from the demo Ubisoft showed in there conference, it was rather nice to see the sea battle in action.

Farcry 3 was shown off again, this time with a 4 person co-op mode. Now this is something both me and Adam noted this year, and while it is a personal rant, some of these people playing the demo's were rather poor at playing the games. I mean the point of E3 demos are to give a good impression of the game.

Anyway next they talked about PlayStation Move. We owned the Move for a both 10 minutes (we got it along with the PS3 when we took out a phone contract) before we traded the Move into Game. They had a demo of the Wonderbook, and the whole thing looked awkward. 

God of  War was shown next, again it's not a series I've played although it definiatly looks like it would be something I would enjoy. I think I might pick up the collection of the earlier games. Sadly the PS3 gets a little neglected in our house since most of the time any games which are cross-platform get bought on Xbox (friends only have that console). 

Finally Sony showed off their big one. The Last of Us. It's from Naughty Dog, aka Makers of Uncharted, and really has that playing a movie feel that those games have. Although the guy playing the demo was rather trigger happy, I have heard several times that guns and bullets will be very very limited in this game.

Nintendo took the stage last, and unlike Xbox and Sony, a new console would be getting air time this year, Wii U is a go.

To be fair I didn't really pay too much attention to Nintendo's conference, Wii U just hasn't gripped me yet. The old Wii was the last console we purchased and to be fair we hardly use it. Although to start it was a problem with game choice, many games aimed at a younger market and some games just playing horribly different than the versions on other consoles. I'm looking at you Wolverine... , and later a problem with lack of HD.)

The other part of their conference was involving the 3DS a console I just don't like, I've played on my BIL's one and while the 3D on it is very cool, there is a huge part of me that cannot justify buying a new handheld console which in pretty much all other aspects is the same as my old DS. 

So the question that is always asked at the end of E3 conferences "Who won E3?" For me it definatly wasn't the big 3. Xbox & Sony as much at they want to argue this have dying consoles on their hands, and while there are still the odd gem of a game appearing they were lacking something. As for Nintendo at the moment they haven't sold the Wii U to me which was what they were trying to do in their conference. This year I pick Ubisoft as my winner, although most of there games shown wouldn't be my first pick they all looked decent, and I was blown away but Watch Dogs (hoping they don't mess it up)

Now although the big 3 and the 2 bigger game developers get their own stage show lots and lots of other game into is announced during the course of the show, and while I won't cover everything here are some of the other highlights for me.

  • Square Enix Tech Demo - If it is anything like the PS3 Tech Demo of Final Fantasy 7 then this is not and never will be a finished game just something pretty to show what the next gen hardware is capable of. This footage isn't a cut scene but real time rendering which is pretty cool.

  • Planetside 2, now I've not played this but Adam made a rather audible (manly) squee noise when he saw this, and an even bigger squee when they reveiled it has no monthly subscription.

  • Lost Planet 3. Now me and Adam played number 2 a while back and enjoyed it, for some reason we never bothered to finish it and I can't really remember what that was. 

  • Epic Mickey 2 and it's on every console! This makes me so happy, I really liked the first game but the camera and Wii Controler where painful to use. 

  • Dark Souls - Prepare to Die. Adam adores this game (and Demon Souls) and was so happy when they annouced it would be coming to PC. Now considering this a game that been out for the better part of a year and it's just being ported to PC with some extras( which are DLC for the console verisons) I wasn't expecting too much fuss made at E3 but they did show some trailers as well as some gameplay of the new bosses.
  • Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2. I loved the first LoS, and the ending was cool, and this looks awesome.

  • Now this wasn't an E3 announcement but it fits really well in this gaming post. Disney's up coming film Wreck It Ralph finally got its first trailer. 

That's all for today folks, sorry this post has been a tad delayed. It's been super busy at home and the blog has been put on the back burner for now.

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